Some of our east coast Dawg Flighters pulled off several fishing trips from 1986 thru 1991. These annual reunions took place at Worlds End State Park, Pa. in the Allegheny Mountains, Lee Higgin's fishing camp at Haynesville, Maine (population 243) near the Canadian border, and Ocean City, NJ, near the casinos of Atlantic City. However, even with the latest high-tech fishing gear and "experienced" local guides (SSgt. Lentz and Rhee Higgins), these trips would indeed remain "Fishless".
1.) Outside their cabin at Worlds End State Park in Forksville, Pennsylvania over the May 13-15, 1987 weekend are: (from left) Lee "Rhee" Higgins, Fred "Wheatgerm" Hayfield, Rich "LW" Ferretti, Steve "Pig-Body" Swallom, and "SSgt" Lentz. Mike Perhach (in next photo) is taking the photo.
2.) (From left) Swallom, Hayfield, Mike Perhach, Ferretti, Higgins enjoy an Iron City beer ("pejyou") after another "fishless" day.
3.) Lee Higgins (left) in front of the group's cabin in Worlds End State Park located in the scenic Allegheny Mountains of central Pennsylvania.
1.) July 1989 shot of Rich Ferretti (left), Fred "Wheatgerm" Hayfield, "SSgt" Lentz and Steve "Pig-Body" Swallom arriving at Lee Higgins' fishing camp in Haynesville, Maine...home of "Rhee's Fishless Charters". The cabin is in the right background. (The first "Fishless Charter" at Lee's camp was in July 1986.)
2.) "Wheatgerm" at the rear of Lee's rustic electricity or indoor plumbing only an outhouse. Fred's holding a trout he caught in the river right in front of the cabin.
3.) Steve and Rich are all set to try another "fishless" lake near Lee's camp in upstate Maine (July 1989).
4.) Sarge and Steve try their luck in the "fishless" east branch of the Mattawamkeag River bordering Lee's camp (July 1989).